Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Ebook Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Ebook Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

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Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Ebook Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Persuasion: Reception And Responsibility. Change your routine to put up or squander the time to just chat with your pals. It is done by your everyday, do not you really feel tired? Currently, we will reveal you the new practice that, in fact it's a very old behavior to do that could make your life much more certified. When feeling tired of constantly talking with your buddies all downtime, you could discover guide entitle Persuasion: Reception And Responsibility and after that read it.

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Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

About the Author

Dr. Charles Larson received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and began teaching at Northern Illinois University in 1968. He taught full time until May 2000 and then taught on a part-time emeritus status until 2002. In 2001, Dr. Larson and a former student launched a full-service advertising agency, where he now devotes his time when he is not fishing, hunting, camping, canoeing, gardening, or singing bass for a barbershop group or choir.

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Product details

Paperback: 512 pages

Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing; 13 edition (January 27, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1111349274

ISBN-13: 978-1111349271

Product Dimensions:

7.5 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.4 out of 5 stars

30 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#178,740 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book is like that 60-something distant relative on Facebook who thinks he understands the new "social media" and uses it to share sexist and racist memes and articles, and constantly talks about how things "were better in the old days." Literally shocked that this is a book for one of my university courses. Not only is the content shabby with poor citing and crappy examples, but the writing is just painfully disconnected and repetitive. Like other reviewers have mentioned, the author awkwardly attempts to use his own opinions as evidence that his reasonings are founded, and then fumbles in the explanation on why these "facts" are relevant.

Exactly what I needed for reasonable price

This book is, as stated in another review, incredibly unprofessional. If I were to present this book as my written work to one of my English professors, they would laugh me off campus for making a claim founded in Wikipedia and then supporting it with more Wikipedia articles. This is not to mention the grammatical and syntax disasters throughout the book. On page 9, the author defines advocacy according to Wikipedia and then says, "Propaganda is a related word that we hear quite often." Who is 'we'? Then, he grounds that claim in Wikipedia! On the same page, he makes reference to two movies that I have never heard of and cites them without documentation telling me how I can find them to ground his argument. Someone clearly needs an APA style manual!I think that when discussing technology in this book, since it is the 12th edition, they could have cut out 90% of technological media definitions. I feel like he is undermining the reader in telling what these devices are used for.The style of writing in this text is relatively elementary. The author is constantly opening sections of the texts by telling us what the previous section discussed and what we are going to learn in another chapter.The author slaps us in the face on page 17 by writing a paragraph beginning, " College students today are urged to take more core subjects and courses in computer technology." He then ends that same paragraph with, " Students are urged to take more core subjects and courses in computer technology at college." For a published text with several editions and editors, I am greatly disappointed in the redundancy and lack of argumentative support for claims.In chapter 6, the author discuses syntax, adverbs and sentence structure. I feel greatly let down as an English major. You cant discuss half of English sentence structure and then throw in only the parts you feel like, unless you want to confuse someone. But if the person reading the text were smart enough to figure out this chapter, then they feel offended by the repetition throughout the book.

Great product.

Great Price and condition for college use.

The author is so very opinionated about politics that reading it is difficult. In addition the entire book is mostly on how to be a good listener, what to listen for, etc. Only the last few chapters have any reference to how to persuade people and it's very unremarkable information. Suggested my university drop this book from their line-up.

Every chapter in this book is so long-winded, it was difficult to keep interested. The book is certainly full of useful and important information, but the chapters are so long that it's not easy to figure out what is worth remembering! This author is too long-winded.

Godd quality and condition.

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Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility PDF

Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility PDF
Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility PDF

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Ebook Download A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk

Ebook Download A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk

Getting this book in this web site may not lead you to stroll and also most likely to book shop. Looking for rack by rack will really spend your time mainly. Yet, it well not warranties you to be successful searching for A New Reality: Human Evolution For A Sustainable Future, By Jonathan Salk For this reason, you can locate it in the soft data of this publication. It will certainly offer you the outstanding system of guide recommendation. You can check out the web link and also most likely to the web page to make handle. And also now, your book filter documents of this can be your picked publication as well as location to read this intriguing publication.

A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk

A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk

A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk

Ebook Download A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk

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A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk


A New Reality is a compelling message of hope, bringing Jonas Salk’s vision of "the evolution of the wisest" to life. This is an essential book for anyone who cares about our health, our present, and our future. (Arianna Huffington Founder and CEO of Thrive Global)This book provides an urgently needed perspective on what we need to do collectively to transform our conversations and open our awareness to a new way of collaborating in order to to cultivate the kind of connections and change we need in our world today. (Dan Siegel, MD New York Times bestselling author of Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence)This book is a brilliant, redesigned, reformulated effort by Jonathan Salk and David Dewane of Jonas' vision of patterns in Nature and their application to humanity's future. It validates his concept of Epoch B and his creation of the Epoch B Foundation of which I was a member in the 1970s and 80s. (Richard Saul Wurman Creator of the TED, TEDMED, e.g., and WWW conferences)A New Reality is actually a timeless one - - our fragile planet can only sustain life of the species that understand its limits. The Salks have given us a sober reminder of that fact, but also a hopeful roadmap to a more sustainable future. I hope everyone pays close attention. (Terry Tamminen CEO, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, former Secretary, California Environmental Protection Agency)Humanity is at a critical point in history. A New Reality confirms this in a powerful way. Enlisting the principles that Jonas and Jonathan Salk describe will lead to a positive, restorative future -- a future where 10 billion humans can live within the Earth's planetary limits in peace and harmony. A New Reality is a must-read for anyone who cares about our future. (Colonel Ron Garan Astronaut, author: The Orbital Perspective-Lessons in Seeing the Big Picture)With A New Reality: Human Evolution for A Sustainable Future Jonathan Salk, son of the legendary scientist Jonas Salk, has given us a truly beautiful book. It’s beautiful visually and it’s beautiful in its simplicity, with the human condition elegantly captured by a single mathematical curve. But most of all it’s beautiful for its underlying message—that if we can find a way to work through the great challenges we face today as a civilization, a sustainable and harmonious future remains within our reach.  (Michael Mann Distinguished Professor, Penn State University and co-author of The Madhouse Effect)This is a book of great vision and optimism.  While the Salks raise our awareness of the global challenges we face in this century, they also provide us a direction to reach a future of planetary health.  This small yet powerful book shows us that we have the capacity to shape a balanced future that has never been realized before.  There is urgency, but together we can achieve "A New Reality. (Philip Enquist FAIA, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill)The Salks have provided an intriguing and accessible description of how the world is changing. In this creative overview of the past and the future, the Salks point out that a world that provides the best for all is the key for our future - not because it is a moral or ethical thing to do, but because it is pragmatic and benefits everyone in the end.  Leaders in all fields will benefit from this book.  Win-win solutions are possible.   (William Foege MD, MPH, Prof. Emeritus, Emory University, former Senior Advisor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Fdn.)In a world mired in shortsighted solutions, A New Reality takes a global view of our future with an inspiring mix of rationality and compassion. Jonas and Jonathan Salk do a masterful job of interweaving history and science with a deep respect for leveraging human solutions for human problems. They call for no less than a transformation of human consciousness as our survival comes to depend upon compromise, collaboration, and interconnectedness – a global tribe on a small planet. Insightful, powerful, and fascinating. (Lou Cozolino Pepperine University, author, “Timeless: Nature’s Formula for Health and Longevity")

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About the Author

Jonas Salk is one of the most famous and revered figures of the twentieth century. He was the developer of the first effective vaccine to prevent polio. Almost overnight, he became internationally famous—a hero to an appreciative public. His legacy survives to this day, and his name and image are instantly recognizable to many. In the last decades of his life, Salk devoted considerable attention to the development of an evolutionary philosophy that would be the basis for solving some of the most basic problems of humankind. He was the author of four books, including World Population and Human Values: A New Reality, written in 1981 with his son Jonathan. A New Reality is an update, revision and redesign of that title. Since his death in 1995, Salk and his legacy continue to be well-known. A recent biography (Jonas Salk: A Life by Charlotte Jacobs, Oxford University Press 2015) was included in the New York Times list of the 100 best books of 2015. Jonas Salk’s wish was that his ideas would continue to be disseminated so that, like a vaccine, they might have the most positive effect on the greatest number of people. The book can be seen as his vaccine. Jonathan Salk, is Jonas’ son. A highly respected Adult and Child Psychiatrist in Los Angeles, he has lectured and taught about the theory and practice of psychiatry and is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. An experienced presenter, he has frequently spoken about his father’s work and legacy. Jonathan will be available for book tours and interviews across an array of media from radio/ TV to podcasts to lectures. David Dewane is a journalist, architect, entrepreneur, and educator. His background is in ecologically and socially equitable design, having trained under Pliny Fisk III at the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems in Austin, Texas. David is a Halcyon Fellow and has been honored as an Emerging Leader by the Design Futures Council and certified as an EVOKE Agent by the World Bank Institute.  

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Product details

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: City Point Press (June 26, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1947951041

ISBN-13: 978-1947951044

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 1.1 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

20 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#105,425 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Loved reading this book. It is an updated version of a 1981 book written by Jonas Salk and his son Jonathan. A New Reality allows the reader to understand the importance of early-life experiences and education for personal, community, and planetary health. As stated, the "values of cooperation, interdependence, collaboration, and win-win conflict resolution will have to be incorporated into family life, early education, and school programs" as an essential part of the path to fulfillment of human potential on a planet with limited resources. Also allows readers to see the connections between the natural sciences, arts and humanities. This is not text-heavy, no verbosity. Straightforward language - could be required reading in high-school or earlier.

Well over 50 years ago I vividly remember how Dr. Salk soothed my mother's fears that one of her children would contract polio and end up in an iron lung! We were among the first in line at our local junior high to get that sugar cube which would somehow (to my child's mind, magically) allow us to go swimming in public pools that summer!So, along comes Dr Salk, again, with his son, Dr. Jonathan Salk, to address my fears about another but a far greater peril, no less than the welfare of humanity's future! This is the non-fiction equivalent of a graphic novel with powerful, scientifically sound concepts about our evolutionary trajectory beautifully realized on the page with simple but revealing visual images that tell the story Dr. Salk and his son want to tell about where we have been and where we are going as a species.What is most important, however, about this book is the relief and the optimism the reader feels when putting it down. The simple and compelling truth of the evolutionary path charted out by the Doctors Salk is a call to action of the best kind: take heed...there is nothing small or insignificant about the contribution each of us can make in tending to the welfare of our planet and each other so live well and thoughtfully.

I bought two copies of this very important book. I'm sooooo disappointed, because the book is essentially illegible due to VERY tiny print. Apparently this is a fashion with the publishers -- kind of like those ridiculous tiny gourmet meals served in restaurants a few years back. This is the second time I've had this problem buying a book unseen. Returning both books -- public and authors poorly served by publisher.

I highly recommend A New Reality. This book is both timely and profound, and provides a framework that embraces a positive approach for the future while providing a clear ( and literally visual) roadmap for understanding the epochal changes underway. This volume is elegant in design and unconventional in format. It is clearly the product of nuanced care and thought. It is a remarkable book with insights that speak to us all. I hope it finds a wide readership.

A must read for anyone trying to understand our current social environment, how we got here, where we are likely to go and what role each of us needs to play to ensure the survival of our species. Easy to read and understand.

I look forward to hopefully watching humanity create a more sustainable future as we learn to live with our population growth.

A must read for anyone interested in the future of mankind.

Profound message of hope for the future of humanity.

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A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk PDF

A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk PDF

A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk PDF
A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future, by Jonathan Salk PDF

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Ebook La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition)

Ebook La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition)

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La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition)

La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition)

La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition)

Ebook La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition)

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La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition)

Language Notes

Text: Spanish, English

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Product details

Hardcover: 197 pages

Publisher: Editorial Aurora; First Edition edition (1995)

Language: Spanish

ISBN-10: 9800715010

ISBN-13: 978-9800715017

Package Dimensions:

11.7 x 8.7 x 0.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

1 customer review

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#5,649,533 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I knew i had to like a book about La Gran Sabana, without a doubt one privileged country Venezuela, having this gorgeous land. The book honors the beautiful "La Gran Sabana" and makes it clear you have to visit it!!!

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La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition) PDF

La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition) PDF
La Gran Sabana (Spanish Edition) PDF

Ebook Download Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter

Ebook Download Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter

How if your day is begun by reviewing a book Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models With Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), By Jennifer Kemmeter But, it is in your gadget? Everybody will always touch and us their gizmo when waking up as well as in early morning activities. This is why, we intend you to likewise review a book Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models With Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), By Jennifer Kemmeter If you still perplexed ways to get the book for your gadget, you could adhere to the way below. As here, we provide Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models With Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), By Jennifer Kemmeter in this site.

Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter

Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter

Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter

Ebook Download Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter

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When obtaining Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models With Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), By Jennifer Kemmeter as your reading resource, you could get the basic way to evoke or get it. It requires for you to choose as well as download the soft data of this referred book from the web link that we have actually supplied here. When everybody has truly that wonderful sensation to read this publication, she or the will always think that reading book will constantly assist them to get much better location. Wherever the location is permanently much better, this is what possibly you will acquire when picking this book as one of your analysis resources in spending free times.

Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter


“What's great about them is that they present kids with things they realistically can build. –Daddy Mojo“Perfect for young children, who should be able to follow the instructions and build the models themselves. . . A very nice series that can keep young LEGO fans busy for a long time.” –The Brick Blogger"Books to Unplug With - For those looking to get away from screens for a while, publishers offer up new gift books and sidelines: As the world becomes more heavily reliant on technology, gift books and sidelines offer people the opportunity to unplug and connect with one another. . . Graphic Arts Books is pubbing a gift book series for kids age five and up. Build it! Make Supercool Models with Your Lego Classic Set is a new series of books for young Lego Builders. --Publisher's Weekly"Enthusiastically recommended for family, preschool, elementary school, and community library collections." --Children's Bookwatch / The Hobby Shelf“We LOVE these books.” –Laura Fuentes, Momables

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From the Author

I was looking for LEGO® books for spending quality time with my twins and found idea books, but not step-by-step instruction books -- so I created the BUILD IT! series to work with these common sets:Vol 1: Classic 10693Vol 2: Classic 10695Vol 3: Classic 10698World Landmarks: 10698, Architecture Studio 21050, Classic Green 32x32 Baseplate 10700Fly: Classic 10695 and 10692; Architecture Studio 21050Float: Classic 10695, Architecture Studio 21050Go: Classic 10695, Architecture Studio 21050, Education Wheels 4598357Farm Animals: Classic 10693 and 10695Robots: Classic 10697Trains: Classic 10697 and Wheels 9387Dinosaurs: Classic 10697Sea Life: Classic 10693 and 10698Medieval World: Classic 10695 and 10698Race Cars: Classic 10697 and Education Wheels and More 9387Wild West: Lego Classic 10704, Lego Classic 10695Monsters: Lego Classic 10704 (Jennifer Kemmeter)

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Age Range: 5 and up

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 3

Series: Brick Books

Paperback: 86 pages

Publisher: Graphic Arts Books (October 18, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 194332882X

ISBN-13: 978-1943328826

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

24 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#46,710 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Actually, I like it so much as I'm not that creative for legos when I play with the kids. It gives the detail for every step. However, it is too expensive for one volume of five "build it" books. Especially, there is not too much various animals in this book. I will still keep it but don't plan to buy more.

We do like this book. It was kind of neat to find a book with more things to build with the set my son got for Christmas. The only problem is is there are mistakes. We’ve only built the green plane so far and it has two mistakes. It asks for a piece that doesn’t come with the set (we actually spent a long time looking for it before I checked the list of pieces in the box itself and found it isn’t in there) and it asks for a certain number of blocks and then in the instructions asks for an additional one. Also like a previous review stated the colors are off so it’s hard to tell what it’s asking for. My four year old doesn’t seem to mind though.

This book if full of fun little challenges for kids to build. Recommended for the Lego fan in your life.

nice challenge for young Lego fans

Easy to understand directions. Great colorful pictures

My 7 year old son loves the book.

awesome book. i love it so much. easy to read and full of fun animals.

Love it. Great how to book for the LEGO builder.

Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter PDF
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Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter PDF

Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter PDF

Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter PDF
Build It! Volume 3: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO® Classic Set (Brick Books), by Jennifer Kemmeter PDF

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Ebook America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen

Ebook America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen

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America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen

America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen

America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen

Ebook America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen

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America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen

About the Author

America’s Test Kitchen is well-known for its top-rated television shows with more than 4 million weekly public television viewers, bestselling cookbooks, magazines, websites, and cooking school. The highly reputable and recognizable brands of America’s Test Kitchen, Cook’s Illustrated, and Cook’s Country are the work of over 60 passionate chefs based in Boston, Massachusetts, who put ingredients, cookware, equipment, and recipes through objective, rigorous testing to identify the very best. Discover, learn, and expand your cooking repertoire with Julia Collin Davison, Bridget Lancaster, Jack Bishop, Dan Souza, Lisa McManus, Tucker Shaw, Bryan Roof, and our fabulous team of test cooks!

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Product details

Hardcover: 352 pages

Publisher: America's Test Kitchen; First Edition edition (October 1, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1933615907

ISBN-13: 978-1933615905

Product Dimensions:

9.6 x 0.9 x 11.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

51 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#175,709 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I was a little hesitant about purchasing after reading other reviews. We often entertain dinner parties of 4 to 6 guests and thought a menu cookbook would be great. I have always trusted America's Test Kitchen and asked for this book for Christmas. I love it. The front section has a list of equipment that they recommend for the home chef. I have several of the recommended products by America's Test Kitchen and have always found their reviews very accurate. As for content; the book does give detail on how to successfully prepare the menu. It states what items to prepare the day before as well as how to hold items at temp if needed. I am going to enjoy cooking out of this book!

This is a very nicely done, inch thick, hardcover book. More than just a menu book it contains cookware recommendations, as you'd expect from ATK, and an extremely useful list of "Emergency Substitutions." For example, you can substitute cake flour with a combination of AP flour and cornstarch, or buttermilk with milk and lemon juice or white vinegar. It also contains "11th Hour Recipes" separate from the menus in case something goes wrong at the last minute (dropped cake, etc.). There are a total of 51 menus with a total of 250 recipes. Each menu is portioned to serve 8, although the holiday menus serve 12. The menus are organized by season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Celebrations and Holidays. Each menu contains 4 to 5 courses, and contains a "game plan" for what to cook ahead and what to do the day of, and info for timing. No other ATK books I know of do that, nor do they arrange courses for you to keep things interesting for the guests. I can only see someone complaining about this is they prefer to plan all this themselves. If so, why buy the book anyway? I've included a full list of the menus below. These do not contain all the recipes for the menus because that would take a long time to type out.==Spring==Elegant Salmon DinnerShrimp Dinner with Greek FlavorsFarmer's Market Vegetarian DinnerRustic Pork Stew DinnerRack of Lamb DinnerClassic Beef Tenderloin DinnerDressing Up ChickenA Taste of SpainCasual Pan-Latin SupperTapas Party==Summer==Dinner from the GardenEastern Shore Crab and Corn Cake SupperEasy Halibut DinnerSouthern Fried Chicken DinnerMexican FiestaMediterranean Flank Steak SupperEasy Grilled Chicken DinnerFajitas and 'RitasMiddle Eastern Shish Kebab DinnerGrilled Shrimp Dinner==Fall==Rustic Tuscan SupperLittle Italy Pasta SupperNew York-Style Pizza PartyProvencal Bistro DinnerFarmhouse Chicken DinnerVegetarian Indian NightAutumn Harvest Pork DinnerClassic Roast Beef SupperRefined Short Ribs DinnerJapanese Salmon Dinner==Winter==Mushroom Pasta SupperNew England Cod and Potato DinnerFamily-Style Italian Sunday SupperEasy and Elegant Cornish Game Hen DinnerA Taste of IndiaSnowed-In Slow-Roasted Pork SupperHearty French Lamb Shank DinnerSteakhouse Prime Rib DinnerBelgian Stew SupperPaella Night==Celebrations and Holidays==Lasagna Dinner for a CrowdFrench Country Stew SupperExotic Chicken Tagine DinnerBig Game Day PartyFourth of July Block PartyUpscale Picnic SpreadSunday Brunch CelebrationSpring Leg of LambHoliday Ham DinnerNew Year's Eve BlowoutClassic Thanksgiving DinnerMy only complaint is that the book is not spiral bound, so you need a weight to keep it open. It is sized like a coffee table book as the other reviewer noted. However, I don't understand why he gave this book three stars because he likes to talk to guests. It's obvious this book is about cooking for dinner parties. That's its goal, and that's what it accomplishes. If you want to be free to mingle or be center of attention then buy a book on hiring a caterer. If you enjoy cooking because it's how you show your love and gratitude for family/friends, then this book is for you. Besides, in my family people are always in the kitchen!==Update==I've since made several of these menus for large family gatherings. The relatives have been impressed! I've made the Thanksgiving, Holiday Ham, French Country Stew, and Rustic Italian dinners. Lots of raves. Overall, I've found that each menu has TOO MANY recipes. Five huge courses? Who is THAT hungry? Instead I pick and choose the ones that sound the best.For example, on Christmas my family ate the menu on page 301: Ham/Carrots/Fennel/Red Potatoes, Buttermilk Biscuits, and Apricot-Almond Bundt Cake. Three recipes from that menu I did not do. I assembled the biscuits and baked the cake the day before. There were 3 other recipes, but I made a Brussels Sprouts with Pecans recipe from instead. Brussels Sprouts provided a nice green color to the table and are in season. While the recipes stick fairly closely to the season, they are not strict. For Christmas there's a Baby Greens with Strawberries recipe. Strawberries in December? I know they're technically available, but still. For the French Country Stew I included baguettes from a local baker with Amish butter. That's not in the menu, but an easy and obvious addition that enhanced the meal by sopping up sauce.These menus are not written in stone. They provide much inspiration, and are fantastic starting points. Are these five coursers too difficult? If you try to pull ALL of them off as written your dinner will be a bit over-the-top. Not impossible, but unnecessary in my opinion. Unlike other reviewers I am not put off by having too many choices. Instead, I see unused recipes as an opportunity to create another unique spin of that menu at some future date.Overall, this book has taught me a lot about cooking for groups of 8 to 12, and boosted my cooking confidence. I began teaching myself how to cook a few years ago. The key is to make as much ahead of time as possible. Each menu has notes titled "The Game Plan," and these are crucial for your success. If you're short on time look for the "Even Easier" notes, which provide similar but fast recipes.

The America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: Your...

Nice coffe table price. Good for parties. Great recipes.

Had several couples over for dinner and served one of the menues from this book. Everything was delicious! Even the salsa verde, which I'm not usually a fan of, was very tasty. I'll definitely be using this book again. Recommended.

America's Test Kitchen continually provide quality recipes in excellent and easy to follow formats. I have yet to make a recipe from any of the America's Test Kitchen books I have purchased and not been very pleased with the results. I particularly like this book as I entertain regularly and it's always nice to have most of my meal made before my guests arrive. I have made several recipes from this book already and, as usual, have not been disappointed.

I love this book, my son went to the Culinary Institute of America and he approves the menu and recipes. A must have for people who love to cook and or love to entertain with delicious food!

Almost all you need to know about cooking in America!!

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America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen PDF

America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen PDF

America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen PDF
America's Test Kitchen Menu Cookbook: More than 250 Recipes and 50 Menus That Guarantee Foolproof Entertaining, by America's Test Kitchen PDF