Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Ebook Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Ebook Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

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Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

Ebook Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

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Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility

About the Author

Dr. Charles Larson received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and began teaching at Northern Illinois University in 1968. He taught full time until May 2000 and then taught on a part-time emeritus status until 2002. In 2001, Dr. Larson and a former student launched a full-service advertising agency, where he now devotes his time when he is not fishing, hunting, camping, canoeing, gardening, or singing bass for a barbershop group or choir.

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Product details

Paperback: 512 pages

Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing; 13 edition (January 27, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1111349274

ISBN-13: 978-1111349271

Product Dimensions:

7.5 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.4 out of 5 stars

30 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#178,740 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book is like that 60-something distant relative on Facebook who thinks he understands the new "social media" and uses it to share sexist and racist memes and articles, and constantly talks about how things "were better in the old days." Literally shocked that this is a book for one of my university courses. Not only is the content shabby with poor citing and crappy examples, but the writing is just painfully disconnected and repetitive. Like other reviewers have mentioned, the author awkwardly attempts to use his own opinions as evidence that his reasonings are founded, and then fumbles in the explanation on why these "facts" are relevant.

Exactly what I needed for reasonable price

This book is, as stated in another review, incredibly unprofessional. If I were to present this book as my written work to one of my English professors, they would laugh me off campus for making a claim founded in Wikipedia and then supporting it with more Wikipedia articles. This is not to mention the grammatical and syntax disasters throughout the book. On page 9, the author defines advocacy according to Wikipedia and then says, "Propaganda is a related word that we hear quite often." Who is 'we'? Then, he grounds that claim in Wikipedia! On the same page, he makes reference to two movies that I have never heard of and cites them without documentation telling me how I can find them to ground his argument. Someone clearly needs an APA style manual!I think that when discussing technology in this book, since it is the 12th edition, they could have cut out 90% of technological media definitions. I feel like he is undermining the reader in telling what these devices are used for.The style of writing in this text is relatively elementary. The author is constantly opening sections of the texts by telling us what the previous section discussed and what we are going to learn in another chapter.The author slaps us in the face on page 17 by writing a paragraph beginning, " College students today are urged to take more core subjects and courses in computer technology." He then ends that same paragraph with, " Students are urged to take more core subjects and courses in computer technology at college." For a published text with several editions and editors, I am greatly disappointed in the redundancy and lack of argumentative support for claims.In chapter 6, the author discuses syntax, adverbs and sentence structure. I feel greatly let down as an English major. You cant discuss half of English sentence structure and then throw in only the parts you feel like, unless you want to confuse someone. But if the person reading the text were smart enough to figure out this chapter, then they feel offended by the repetition throughout the book.

Great product.

Great Price and condition for college use.

The author is so very opinionated about politics that reading it is difficult. In addition the entire book is mostly on how to be a good listener, what to listen for, etc. Only the last few chapters have any reference to how to persuade people and it's very unremarkable information. Suggested my university drop this book from their line-up.

Every chapter in this book is so long-winded, it was difficult to keep interested. The book is certainly full of useful and important information, but the chapters are so long that it's not easy to figure out what is worth remembering! This author is too long-winded.

Godd quality and condition.

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